Worldwide installation and support

We are there to help you, 24/7. Besides immediate support for urgent fixes, we provide constant pro-active support. It means we're actively monitoring your connection and taking action in advance. This is how we prevent unexpected problems whilst offering a hand whenever you need one. And remember: you have one dedicated contact person who knows your needs. Ideal for quick communication and advice!

We've got your back

Don't hesitate to contact us, we're here for you. Our team of experts has the knowledge and experience to help you out in all situations. We're prepared to act fast and solve all problems thoroughly. Our staff have all the necessary offshore certifications and medical certificates to help on ships, offshore ships and platforms.

Dedicated contact person
One account manager you can always turn to for support
Experience on board of ships
Our staff have all certifications and knowledge needed to work onboard
Quick set-up, maintenance and problem fixing
We're 24/7 available to help and aware of working in a time-senstive industry
Full Maritime VSAT package and IP connectivity
Our suite of technological solutions accommodate a variety of needs

Prevention is key

We actively monitor your systems and services and take action before problems arise. We know prevention is key in the complicated and logistically-demanding maritime industry.

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Find out more about our products and service. Download our brochure.


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