We can provide you with Internet and IT service add-ons

We provide reliable marine internet solutions and IT services for small commercial ships and large vessels at sea. We offer Ku-band VSAT,  Starlink, Thor7 Ka-band VSAT, 4G LTE, Inmarsat Fleetbroadband, Iridium Openport, and Iridium Certus services. We can advise you on the best service based on your requirements. We also provide technical installation and onboard as well as remote support for your maritime Internet connectivity and IT services.

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Find out more about our offshore technical solutions.

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Dedicated contact person
One account manager you can always turn to for support
Experience on board of ships
Our staff have all certifications and knowledge needed to work onboard
Quick set-up, maintenance and problem fixing
We're 24/7 available to help and aware of working in a time-senstive industry
Full Maritime VSAT package and IP connectivity
Our suite of technological solutions accommodate a variety of needs

Internet for offshore platforms

We aim to help both offshore vessels and ships as well as offshore platforms to connect via 4G LTE and backed up by the L-band internet service. Do you have a temporary offshore project? No problem with the thorough, but lightning fast setup of our internet for offshore platforms. Once everything is set up, you are in charge. With remote monitoring and control you can track operational costs. And if there are any unforeseen circumstances or changes, no problem; we adapt contracts easily.

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Always on call

Use this numer +31 (0) 88 646 0100 to call us directly or email us at request@castormarine.com